Consultation Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing 2 indicators

The Scottish Housing Regulator is consulting on indicators to allow it to monitor and report on social landlords’ progress towards the Scottish Government’s EESSH2 milestone.
Last year the Scottish Government confirmed that the second EESSH milestone for social rented houses is to be met by 31 December 2032. The Regulator is now consulting on proposed indicators for the new milestone. Landlords would start to collect the new indicators during 2021/2022, with the first return to the Regulator in May 2022.
Michael Cameron, Chief Executive, said: “The Energy Efficiency Standard in Social Housing is a major contribution to ensuring tenants and their families have warm, affordable homes. Effective monitoring of progress towards the Standard is therefore an important priority for us. We’re keeping the number of indicators to a minimum and will aim to make the collection of the information as simple as possible.”
The Regulator is inviting views and feedback on its proposals from tenants, landlords, representative bodies, and anyone with an interest in social housing by Friday 15 January 2021.